Art as Therapy: Trauma - Truth - Roots, 48 x 42 in, oil on birch, 2010

Moving on from Puddles - Muddles - Possibilities, I am excited to welcome whatever will emerge next. Choosing a different color palette feels right. Also, moving the canvas around. Painting horizontally, but then flipping vertical. Right away, there’s a different feel and mood to what’s appearing: more serious and somber, I think. While Puddles - Muddles - Possibilities looks ahead, Trauma - Truth - Roots seems to look back. History is important. But, should we choose to dwell on it. What’s gone before may explain our behavior now. Some trauma doesn’t go away. Truth can hurt. Roots are deep, they may also be pulled. Lots to think about! And, for those who prefer not to think, there’s a “pretty picture” to enjoy...