Twists and turns, unknown lands.... In Attention to Detail, I was ready to start another new journey, hopefully to more positive places. Attention to detail, as is my tendency, slowed the process down. I also decided to work on a series of seven smaller canvases, simultaneously (Oases of the Mind). Going back and forth between this larger work and the smaller ones seemed to dilute my engagement with it. Between interruptions, I wasn’t chancing on deeper messages, just admiring color combinations. Nothing wrong with that, but I’d still like, when viewing the finished piece at a later date, to find something more to it. On completion, my main reflection was that life is complicated with many paths to take. Some lead us in circles, others up hills, yet others to rest spots. What looks pretty might not be. What’s pleasing to the eye can be comforting to the heart. We all need to find a place to stop. I am still searching for mine...